Planning and Development Information

Local Environmental Plan

The Local Environmental Plan (LEP) is the primary planning instrument governing planning in Central Darling Shire Council. 

On 4 June 2021, amendments to the LEP were gazetted.

The amendments establish the Wilcannia Heritage Conservation Area, include additional heritage items, and make corrections to existing heritage schedule; land use table amendments and rezone the Wilcannia water treatment site.

 A link to the Central Darling Shire LEP 2012 (as amended) can be found below.

Central Darling Local Strategic Planning Statement

The Central Darling Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) sets the framework for the economic, social and environmental land use needs over the next 20 years. The LSPS has also taken account of land use planning in adjacent Councils. It also works with council’s Community Strategic Plan (CSP) and Local Environmental Plan (LEP). The LSPS gives effect to the Far West Regional Plan and Regional Economic Development Strategy, implementing the directions and actions at a local level.